Last USA war in Ukraine with NATO
4 Décembre 2024 , Rédigé par Jean-Pierre Llabrés Publié dans #Géopolitique
Last USA war in Ukraine with NATO
Poutine résulte de l'incohérence politico-militaire des USA en 1948 ! ! !
I have explained to Trump that, in 1948, the USA have had the historical oportunity to modificate the second half of the Xxth century by eliminating the russian and chinese communist regimes which would have save some hundred millions of lives in th whole world.
Today the world should be more peaceful and more prosper.
The actual world situation result of this failure during 1948 and the USA, and all democratic countries, preserve an important responsability in this situation, specially in Ukraine.
I have said to Trump that, for these reasons, he cann’t be blind about the solution in Ukraine.
First of all, in January 2022, the occident didn’t have integrated Ukraine into NATO which would have protected her of Poutine’s attack on 24 February 2022.
Since this time Poutine has threaten the occident of nuclear attack if tried to oppose t his special military operation in Ukraine.
Biden answered at once that the fight back to a nuclear attack should not be nuclear but conventionnal with NATO forces in Ukraine.
As Poutine fear NATO forces it’s the reason why he did not use a nuclear weapon. In reality, Biden is the one who deters Poutine !
The occident has promised to the Ukrainians that he will help them to liberate all the territories occupies by the russian army. But the occident help has always been « too small, too late ». Ukraine has received arms enough to resist but not to vince.
Today Ukraine is in a difficult situation and, militarily, a NATO intervention could liberate the integrality of his territoties.
But Trump thinks that he can solve the problem with a negociation with Poutine.
Trump is imagining that Poutine will negociate sincerely and will respect his word.
Trump is really too naïve ! ! !
Poutine has not given up his project to occupy Ukraine now or later, some years later. He will attack Ukraine again.
Trump’s negociation must obtain of Poutine :
cease fire and integration of Ukraine to the nuclear and conventionnal protection of NATO.
In addition, Poutine must give back to the European Union the oblast of Kaliningrad as a partial compensation of his agression.
This is a minimum of conditions that Poutine must accept. If he doesn’t, the occident must enter into Ukraine with all the NATO conventionnal forces to liberate all ukrainian territotis including Crimea.
If occident and USA are not able to get this targget, they will lose their credibility ! ! !
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